Karen is my name given by my parents it's short but meaningful . Karen is a very popular female name :P Karen means "pure" do you believe it ? well , you should! bhaha :))
Im Karen. just call me Aren,khai or watever u wanted aight?! lol. im born in the philippines...raised in the Philippines and still living in the Philippines.. my life is completely rockin'.. i think so.. i have jet black hair. brownish eyes.. i love watching tv, sleeping, eating, reading books and mags....and most especially, i love music. music is important part of my life. it feeds my soul. lol. i'm not afraid to face reality 'coz i'm free to dream,to desire , and to be real.
i love hangin' out with my friends...and there are times that i want to be alone. im approachable and i can be really nice. im a GOOD friend and a BAD enemy. i love fooling around but i can also be serious. i easily get angry . wen it cumz to serious things. i like people who are kind-hearted and neat. haha...when i get bored, i sleep. :-)
i like guys who have that soft side, aren't always in a hurry, dont have to prove their masculanity.... hahah . i just felt like saying it .
i hAte peoPle hU Lykz t0 bosS rouNd'
th0se pipZ hU RuIn oTher pEopLe's LifE
thoSe idi0ts hu sPread sHamefuLL
talk aboUts thaT usUaLLy sTarts witH thEre nonSense insecuRitiEs tHat poPs-up
aNd rUns-oFf in tHeiR miNd.
yes pure ka sa tanan..